如果我們不曾相遇 What If We Had Never Met

中英歌詞 CHI+ENG Lyrics






如果我們不曾相遇 我會是在哪裡?
如果我們從不曾相識 不存在這首歌曲

每秒都活著 每秒都死去 每秒都問著自己
誰不曾找尋 誰不曾懷疑 茫茫人生奔向何地? 

那一天 那一刻 那個場景 你出現在我生命
從此後 從人生 重新定義 從我故事裡甦醒 

如果我們不曾相遇 你又會在哪裡?
如果我們從不曾相識 人間又如何運行?

曬傷的脫皮 意外的雪景 與你相依的四季
蒼狗又白雲 身旁有了你 匆匆輪迴又有何懼?

那一天 那一刻 那個場景 你出現在我生命
每一分 每一秒 每個表情 故事都充滿驚奇

「 偶然與巧合 舞動了蝶翼 誰的心頭風起 」
「 前仆而後繼 萬千人追尋 荒漠唯一菩提 」
「 是擦身相遇 或擦肩而去 命運猶如險棋 」
「 無數時間線 無盡可能性 終於交織向你 」

那一天 那一刻 那個場景 你出現在我生命
未知的 未來裡 未定機率 然而此刻擁有你

某一天 某一刻 某次呼吸 我們終將再分離
而我的 自傳裡 曾經有你 沒有遺憾的詩句

如果我們不曾相遇 我會是在哪裡?
如果我們從不曾相識 不存在這首歌曲



Title: What If We Had Never Met
Lyrics and composed by: Mayday Ashin


If we had never met, where would I be?
If we had never known, this song would never exist.

Living every second, dying every second,
Asking ourselves every second.
We seek and we doubt,
Where should we head towards in this ocean of people?

That day, that moment, that scene,
You appeared in my life.
From then on, my life was redefined,
And I was revived.

Peeling of skin from sunburn, enjoying the snow in the cold,
The four seasons with your hand to hold.
Change is the only constant, but you're always present,
Nothing, would make me frightened.

That day, that moment, that scene,
You appeared in my life.
Every minute, every second, every expression,
Our story was full of wonder.

Millions sought and fought for the desert's only Bohdi,
By chances and coincidences, our hearts sewed together.
Through infinite timelines and unlimited possibilities,
Our lives had finally interwoven.
But did we cross to meet or leave in the life of risks?

That day, that moment, that scene,
You appeared in my life.
Though future was uncertain and unknown,
At least I had you to call my own.

Someday, some time, somehow,
We would part again.
And my memoir would have our memories etched,
with no regrets but only thanks.

If we had never met, where would I be?
If we had never known, this song would never exist.

英文翻譯 By Shanyi :B6 

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    Woona 雨娜


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